domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010


Cuántas veces hemos leído citas que después hemos perdido, olvidado y con el tiempo las recordamos.
A propósito de citas, siempre me gusta recordar ésta:"The camera is a tool that teaches people how to see without a camera". quoted in: Los Angeles Times (13 Aug. 1978).
Tiene mucho que ver cómo cada uno mira y cómo tú te identificas con cada frase. Esta cita está incluida desde los comienzos de este blog, junto con alguna otra de Cartier Bresson.

Recopilar citas de fotógrafos es precisamente un recurso que he encontrado navegando por la web y que te puede resultar en ocasiones más que útil para buscar alguna cita perdida.
En la página web podrás revisar, buscar cualquier cita a partir de un gran listado de fotógrafos. Además Photoquotes no sólo recopila las citas más significativas de un montón de fotógrafos, además podrás ver las publicaciones más destacadas de cada uno de ellos.

A continuación dejo algunas de ellas que dan la clave de cómo es su mirada hacia la fotografía. is not a factual photograph per se. The documentary photograph carries with it another thing, a quality in the subject that the artist responds to. It is a photograph which carries the full meaning of the episode or the circumstance or the situation that can only be revealed – because you can't really recapture it – by this other quality. There is no real warfare between the artist and the documentary photographer. He has to be both. - Dorothea Lange, Mary Ellen Mark : 25 Years by Marianne Fulton , ISBN: 0821218387 , Page: 26-27

This benefit of seeing...can come only if you pause a while, extricate yourself from the maddening mob of quick impressions ceaselessly battering our lives, and look thoughtfully at a quiet image...the viewer must be willing to pause, to look again, to meditate. -Dorothea Lange

I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects. But I make them for myself first and foremost--that is important. If they are art objects at the same time, that's fine with me. - Jacques-Henri Lartigue

The Chinese have a theory that you pass through boredom into fascination and I think it's true. I would never choose a subject for what it means to me or what I think about it. You've just got to choose a subject - and what you feel about it, what it means, begins to unfold if you just plain choose a subject and do it enough. - Diane Arbus

You should never think without an image. - Aristotle

The soul can not think without a picture. - Aristotle

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